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Beyond the (College) Brochure for August 7, 2024 Episode 11

Beyond the (College) Brochure for August 7, 2024

· 19:13

Mary McGrath, a rising college senior at LIndenwood University (MO) comes up with more questions that helps students and parents better understand the college admissions process - and the risks of choosing financially unhealthy colleges.

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In this episode, Mary McGrath and Dr. Gary Stocker discuss college rankings, college admissions, online courses, indicators of financial distress in colleges, and the value of a college degree. They emphasize that college rankings are subjective and not necessarily indicative of a college's quality. They also highlight the importance of social experiences in college and the role of accrediting agencies in ensuring educational quality. Additionally, they discuss the admissions process and the factors colleges consider when admitting students. They conclude by discussing the potential financial benefits of a college degree.


college rankings, college admissions, online courses, financial distress, college degree

  • College rankings are subjective and should not be the sole factor in choosing a college.
  • Social experiences and extracurricular activities are important aspects of the college experience.
  • Accrediting agencies ensure educational quality but focus more on inputs than outputs.
  • Colleges consider various factors, such as grades, extracurricular activities, and interviews, when admitting students.
  • Taking online courses can be a flexible option, but it may limit social interactions.
  • Indicators of financial distress in colleges include declining enrollment, decreasing tuition and fee revenue, and low admissions yield.
  • A college degree does not guarantee a higher income, but it demonstrates persistence and can lead to better job opportunities.
  • The choice of college major can impact future earning potential.

  • Pros and Cons of Online Courses
  • Factors Considered in College Admissions
Sound Bites

  • "The ranking services, while they try and promote that they are objective, in large part is just opinion based on what the people who do the surveys, who do the ranking publications do."
  • "Colleges try and improve their rankings. What does it tell the consumer? The difference between 125 and 145 is nothing."
  • "As long as you show some capability to breathe and have a heartbeat, in many cases, they're going to accept you."

Factors Considered in College Admissions
The Importance of the Social Aspect of College
Indicators of a College's Financial Distress
The Relationship Between a College Degree and Future Income

 Here are the questions Gary answers for this week's episode.
  1. Which college ranking publication is the best?
  2. What college has the best 4-year graduation rate? The worst?
  3. How does a college determine who to admit or reject?
  4. What does the process look like after a college application is submitted?
  5. What is an accrediting agency?
  6. Can a student only take online courses in college?
  7. What are the indicators of a college in distress?
  8. Does a college degree guarantee a higher income?

View episode transcript


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