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Beyond the (College) Brochure for Jul 17, 2024 Episode 7

Beyond the (College) Brochure for Jul 17, 2024

· 17:40

Mary focuses on some important questions about a college's responsibility to share information with faculty and students.

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  1. Is it common for colleges that are not in any financial distress/at risk of closure to cut certain majors and/or programs?
  2. Does a college closure have a negative effect on a recent graduate from that school? (such as finding a job)
  3. Are faculty and staff more informed about the state of college’s financial situation than students and prospective students?
  4. Does a school’s acceptance rate and scholarships/grants become less competitive when the school is in financial trouble?
  5. Are college closures more common in a certain region of the country?
  6. How often does a college revise its tuition and financial aid offerings?
  7. Is it common for colleges to deceive students and families about its financial state?
  8. How can students a families trust that the information a college is giving them is correct?
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2024 Private College Viability app for Students & Families ($29)

Faculty & Staff version (Enterprise-wide license for $300)

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