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Beyond the College Brochure Jul 24, 2024 with Mary McGrath and Gary Stocker Episode 8

Beyond the College Brochure Jul 24, 2024 with Mary McGrath and Gary Stocker

· 20:38

Here are the 8 questions for this week's 'Beyond the (College) Brochure' podcast:

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  1. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news, Vanderbilt University has reached $100,000 in attendance costs- do you think this was really necessary or this institution just raising the price because they are able to?
  2. Is it common for colleges to mislead students and families with the “sticker price” of the school?
  3. Can you explain all the components of the tuition bill? Are there any hidden fees?
  4. Are there flexible payment plans available for tuition?
  5. What are the primary characteristics that distinguish a “higher level” institution?
  6. How does the availability of resources differ between colleges of different levels?
  7. How does the teaching style differ between smaller classes and larger lecture-based classes?
  8. Gary, can you give us an update on the status of the Fall 2024 FAFSA Debacle?
Here is a summary of the podcast.

This episode of the Beyond the College Brochure podcast discusses the increasing cost of higher education, particularly focusing on the rising tuition fees at prestigious universities like Vanderbilt.
  • College Costs: The hosts explore the concept of "sticker price" versus actual cost, emphasizing the importance of financial aid and scholarships in reducing the overall burden.
  • College Value: The discussion delves into the factors that differentiate higher-priced institutions from lower-priced ones, such as reputation, resources, and class sizes.
  • College Industry Challenges: The podcast highlights the financial struggles faced by many colleges, including the potential for closures due to declining enrollment and rising costs.
  • Student Advice: The hosts offer advice to students and parents on navigating the college application process, including the importance of understanding financial aid packages and considering the overall value of a college education.
Overall, the podcast provides insights into the complexities of college affordability and encourages listeners to be informed consumers when making higher education decisions.
Key Points:
  • College tuition costs are rising rapidly.
  • Financial aid and scholarships can significantly reduce the cost of college.
  • The perceived value of a college often influences its cost.
  • Many colleges are facing financial challenges, which could lead to closures.
  • Students and parents should carefully evaluate college options based on both cost and value.

View episode transcript


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